Doctor, when to start exercise after my child birth?

Doctor, when to start exercise after my child birth?

Child getting convulsion is a one instance where parents often get panic. Yes, it can indicates a serious problem with your child.  It is not always epilepsy or meningitis that causes convulsions in your child. Know these common causes.

1. Fever-  It is not uncomon to see children having convulsions during fever. It does not always indicate serious underlying disease, but sometimes  it can persist in adult life too.

2. Abrupt withdrawal of anticonvulsants- Your epileptic child is given  anticonvulsant drugs & there had been no fits for last couple of months.  Then  you decide to stop the drug without seeking medical advice. This can result in convulsions.

3. Central nervous system infections- There can be dangerous micro-organisms invading your child’s brain or spinal cord. This is serious condition & need to attend immediately.

4. Cerebral hypoxia-Sometimes your child’s brain is not getting adequate oxygenated blood. So brain finds difficult to act as in normal conditions.

5. Metabolic abnormalities- Cells & surrounding fluid in your body tissues (in blood or in other organs) contains lot of ions & they are always kept in a balanced state. Perhaps your child’s blood or organ is having derranged ion balance.  This also can lead to a convulsion.