8 things ALL MUST know about "ALL" presentation

8 things ALL MUST know about "ALL" presentation

A 5-year-old boy was complaining of leg pain for few weeks. But parents have attributed that to his play with friends & neglected. Over the time, he became generally unwell, lethargic & looking pale. He had recurrent sore throat that failed to result in any benefit with home remedies. His parents took him to their doctor when he developed a rash.


The doctor examined & immediately reffered to the specialist on the suspicious ground of something serious. Following the laboratory tests this child was found to having a blood related cancer- Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL)


Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) accounts for 80% of leukaemia in children.


This is a serious condition with good prognosis in most of the time.


Overall survival is nearly 80% with the current treatment.


Presentation of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia peaks at 2–5 years. In most children,


leukaemia presents insidiously over several weeks but in some children the illness presents and progresses very rapidly.


They may present with some vague symptoms, but be cautious. It may be the first symptom of a serious disease.


1.They may complain of continous pain showing bones (e.g. leg pain) -Bone pain


2.Bleeding into the skin resulting bruising, small pin point bleeding patches(petechiae) or even nose bleeds


3.Child may look pale. If you look at inner surface of child’s eyelids, they will be pale.


4.Feel lethargy/Malaise


5.Recurrent fever (Infection)


6.Lymph node enlargement


7.His testis may be unsually big. (Testicular enlargement)


8.Sometimes you may be able to feel a mass in the upper abdomen (liver & spleen enlargement). But this may not be able to do correctly unless you have trained before.


Dr. Yapa Wijeratne

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Dr Rikaz Sheriff

Director, Western Hospital

Rikaz Sheriff is responsible for all aspects of innovation and strategy of health informatics solutions of LankaDoctor. Rikaz joined UniverSL Software after working for 5 years as a Senior Medical Officer at Western Hospital where he leads the business development unit with responsibility for marketing strategy, brand management, advertising, and consumer promotions.

He also serves as the chief coordinator for their kidney transplant programme. Rikaz is a life member of the Sri Lanka Medical Association and the Health Informatics Society of Sri Lanka. Rikaz holds a MBBS degree from Baqai University (Pakistan) and a Master's degree in Biomedical Informatics from the Post Graduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo. He also works as the Provincial Health Informatician for the Department of Health Services, Western Province.


Dr. Yapa Wijeratne
MBBS University of Perdeniya.
Medical Officer, Mawanella Hospital.

Yapa entered Faculty of Medicine in 2008, following a successful career at the Dharmaraja College, Kandy. While continuing his undergraduate career, he joined UniverSL Software. He completed his MBBS degree from University of Peradeniya & worked as a Temporary lecturer at Department of Basic sciences, Faculty of Dental Sciences, University of Peradeniya. After completing his internship, he is still working at Teaching Hospital Peradeniya.